While many excellent implant training programs exist, some clinicians are frustrated with trying to find a practical implant program that works. Some courses are taught by multiple faculty members who have differing opinions on implant procedures. This will often confuse the beginning implant surgeon. Other courses offer a consistent message, but no clinical opportunities to learn in a mentored environment. Still others offer a clinical opportunity, but only if you bring your own patient. Other courses ask you to leave the country to work in areas of unknown security, vague legal systems, and unfamiliar oral care delivery models.
We made strong efforts to build a program that offers all the crucial elements necessary for effective learning: strong didactic education, hands-on skill buliders, and valuable mentored clinical experiences. Because we include live patient surgery in our courses, our groups are small, generally less than 20 clinicians. Our coures are taught in a relaxed and caring environment, and the small group size offers plenty of opportunities to ask questions, interact with other clinicians, and develop friendships within the group. Patients are aware this is a teaching facility, and not surprised to see interaction between our faculty and course clinicians. We provide the patients and manage follow-up care with you. You get an educational experience that is similar in style to any University-based residency program in the country. We develop the treatment plans with you, and then review the cases after surgery to complete the learning loop and provide an effective learning experience. Some clincians have said this is the best learning experience anywhere in the world.
The course is taught primarily by two clinicians, Dr. Michael McCracken and Dr. Guy Rosenstiel. They are a perfect pairing of academic approach and private practice practicality. Their biographies are listed below.
Our goal is to teach general dentists how to effectively treat patients with dental implants. Our graduates place dozens to hundreds of implants in their practices each year. If you are ready to get serious about dental implants, and take your practice to a new level, this is the course for you. Thank you for your interest.
Michael McCracken, DDS, PhD

Guy Rosentiel, DMD, MAGD